Opening:  (two students should work on writing and presenting the Opening) 

In the opening, the first sentence is the Debate Platform. 

Con: No, It is not okay to steal food to feed your family.

After you write that out then  you write the three reasons it in Not Okay to steal food for your family. 

The three reasons must be written in the order they will be presented. The last sentence should be a convincing sentence supporting your reasons.

Example: (an example is an idea of how it can be written)

Today our team will present three reasons it is Not Okay to steal  food for your family. The reasons are:

1.  (write out reason #1)

2. (write out reason #2)

3. (write out reason #3)

4. End with a sentence that supports your reasons. 

Reason 1: (two students should work on writing and presenting Reason #1) 

Write out your first reason and give more information as to why this is the reason. Use the story for explanations or samples to support your reason.

Reason 2: (two students should work on writing and presenting Reason #2)  

Write out your second reason and give more information as to why this is the reason. Use the story for explanations or samples to support your reason.

Reason 3: (two students should work on writing and presenting Reason #3) 

Write out your second reason and give more information as to why this is the reason. Use the story for explanations or samples to support your reason..

Closing: (two students should work on writing and presenting the Closing) 

In the closing you remind the audience or the judge of the three reasons you think it is okay to steal food for your family. The last sentence should convince the judge you are right.

Example: (an example is an idea of how it can be written)

Today our team presented three reasons it is okay to steal  food for your family. The reasons are:

1.  (write out reason #1)

2. (write out reason #2)

3. (write out reason #3)

4. End with a sentence that convinces the judge you are right.